Wednesday, May 26, 2010


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Process of making biosolid fertilizers

The process of turning biosolids into a fertilizer begins at a treatment plant to be disinfected. The initial phases separate water from heavier waste, or sludge. The cleansed water is reintroduced into a body of water. The sludge undergoes a heating, thickening, digestion and de-watering process which eliminates moisture and bacteria. This is accomplished with centrifuges, then digesters, which can convert the sludge into methane gas which powers boilers, heaters and electricity. A polymer solution causing solidification is mixed with the sludge, turning it into biosolids. The biosolids, now a cake-like substance, are stored in hoppers equipped with chutes which funnel the substance into trucks and shipped to farmlands.

The Pros

Human wastes are readily available year-round, and with six billion people on earth it is an abundant resource. Commercial fertilizers are beginning to rise in price. Human wastes can prove to be a cheap substitue for it. Human wastes need dumping sites – landfills, incinerator, and oceans – of which are less available, more costly to use, or legally off limits. The country of Israel recycles 65% of its wastewater to crops and since its introduction no illnesses and complications have been linked to its use. A study in Finland also showed that when urine was used as a fertilizaer to a patch of cabbage positive results accumilated. The cabbage fertilized with urine was compared with similar plots of cabbage that either went unfertilized or where commercial fertilizer was used. At harvest, the cabbage enriched with the urine had several advantages: It was slightly larger, it grew to its maximum size more quickly, and, for most of the growth cycle, it suffered less bug damage than the commercially fertilized variety. As a result of the findings, the scientists concluded that urine produced by one person over a year would be enough to grow 160 cabbages – that's 64 kilograms (141 pounds) more cabbage than could be grown in a similar plot fertilized with commercial fertilizer. An instance in Zimbabwe also resulted into lush crops from using human waste fertilizers. The locals would collect all the human feces and store it in the ground, along with ashes and leaves, and would let it sit for days, to kill any pathogens. In turn the process fertilizes the soil around it. After several weeks the locals would then plant their crops on the soil, which result into lush crops. Countries and farmers are hesitant to use human wastes as fertilizers but as the prices of commercial fertilizers go up they may be more willing to. As research has shown human waste fertilizers can result into positive effects.

The Cons

Modern methods for disposing of human wastes are not designed for reusing and recycling it. Meaning that building a whole new set of infrastructure to transport the biosolids into the farmlands would be needed. In countries where human waste is irrigated to farm lands it is often delivered through the sewage systems. The dumping of materials into the sewage systems is lightly monitored. Industrial wastes that are dumped into the sewage systems are often times mixed in with the biosolids. Farmland is not suited to absorb chemicals and heavy metals. The whole purpose of using biosolids as a fertilizer is actually being contradicted because in the process of the delivery farmlands are being harmed. There have been instances where diseases such as typhoid and cholera have been linked into the use of biosolids as a fertilizer.

The potential stakeholders

Some potential stakeholders include; Environment Canada, they have to regulate the processes, making sure it is up to safety and sanitary standards; the farmers, they have a choice in whether to use this technology, which could benefit or destroy their crops; the consumers, we decide if we want to eat food that has been grown in our own wastes, a very uneasy feeling.

Are we influenced by the western view of human waste as an unsanitary and disgusting nuisance?

It is possible that we are influenced by western views. In a country where the human development index is high, poverty is less than 20%, and an economy that surpasses other countries, Canada is a very fortunate country. When we hear of feces or urine we don’t think of fertilizers we think of toilets, dumps, sewers. People in countries that are less fortunate than Canada are more tolerant towards unsanitary conditions because they live it everyday. They have no choice. In Canada we are fortunate to have regulators and facilities that could accommodate and deal with high sanitary standards. When we are used to such a standard it is hard to develop an understanding for using biosolids as fertilizers.


“You are what you eat.”
- Franklin P. Jones

When we put this quotation in context, when we use biosolids as fertilizers, does that make us the stuff the comes out of our rear end? In the bigger picture the only possible pro of using biosolids as fertilizers is monetary gain. Research has shown that most of the countries or places that use biosolids as fertilizers are third world countries or places below or at the poverty line. The thought of eating food grown out of my own feces is just unbearable. What would be the point of taking a number two or a number one if we’re just going to put it back into our body anyway?

Works Cited

Colwell, Carolyn. "Human Urine Safe, Productive Fertilizer -" - Nation, World, Technology and Washington Area News and Headlines. Web. 26 May 2010. .
"Getting the Most from Human Waste." Use - Reduce Global °Celsius. Web. 26 May 2010. .
"Real Organic Agriculture: Using Human Waste as Fertilizer Worldwatch Institute." Worldwatch Institute Vision for a Sustainable World. Web. 26 May 2010. .
"Recycling Organic Waste USA Today (Society for the Advancement of Education) Find Articles at BNET." Find Articles at BNET News Articles, Magazine Back Issues & Reference Articles on All Topics. Web. 26 May 2010. .
"Using Human Urine As A Liquid Fertilizer." EzineArticles Submission - Submit Your Best Quality Original Articles For Massive Exposure, Ezine Publishers Get 25 Free Article Reprints. Web. 26 May 2010. .

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Yuri Suico

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Our Crave For That Perfect Body Lead Us To New Technologies

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Since the dawn of time we human beings have differed in size and in particular the size of our bellies. How that is determined is based on your diet and lifestyle. You know the saying ‘you are what you eat’ well in reality that is true. What we eat defines the conditions of our internal/external systems. In perspective, if you eat fatty foods you will appear fat or obese; if you eat low-carb/low-fat foods you may appear skinny. We can also say the same in what you do. In fact we should also start saying ‘you are what you do’. What we do also defines the conditions of our internal/external systems. If you’re a couch potato, chances are you’re obese and your internal systems are also sitting on the couch, unresponsive and won’t be able to function to its full potential. Now if you were active, playing sports, exercising in constant intervals, well maybe you would be in a better shape than your average couch potato. More and more people are looking to eat healthier and exercise more. Since these types of lifestyles are in demand people have started inventing devices that would help promote and guide you along these strict diets. These lifestyles lead to scientific and technological developments related to internal systems.

Meet the Bodybugg calorie counter; a new health promoting, weight loss gadget. More and more people are looking to just eat healthier and exercise more. This device became popular after its debut on the reality TV series The Biggest Loser. The Bodybugg is worn on a user's arm. It has several sensors that measure calorie burn; detects the presence of sweat, and a thermometer detects skin temperature, which keeps people's eating habits level with their movement. It uses this feedback to estimate how many calories are burned. The Bodybugg connects to the computer via a USB cable.The bodybugg is intended to be used with a subscription website where the user can log their food and track their calories. Several fitness centres and gyms have used the Bodybugg to help their clients get on the right track to a good and healthy lifestyle.

BioTrainer is also another device that reads caloric burn for different activities outside of the clinical setting. It senses your motion. It's a three-way accelerometer (the same technology in Nintendo's Wii), but doesn't include any of the skin or sweat measurements, but it has the same concept as the Bodybugg.

Jump training is a way to improve cardiovascular fitness. Meet another well-fitness device, the Caloriejump CJ688. Skipping and jumping conditions upper and lower body by toning and strengthening muscles, burning calories and developing co-ordination, speed, balance and flexibility. It also raises endurance levels. The Caloriejump CJ688 skipping rope includes a built-in counter that displays the number of jumps up to 9,999 (front, backwards or criss-crossed jumps) and it calculates the number of calories burnt during the exercises while taking into account your body weight.

Another form of technology that has emerged from the demand of a healthy lifestyle is laser-assisted liposuction. It is said that losing all that weight at once is unhealthy but it’s a technological development nonetheless. Normal liposuction works through invasive measures in which a tube is inserted into the body from which fat is vacuumed out through hollow tubes. This leads to tissue trauma and there is much bruising and pain that makes the procedure uncomfortable for the patient. In laser assisted liposuction fat is first melted and then removed. During the laser assisted liposuction process heat as well as light from the laser beams help to melt or dissolve fat cells and at the same time cauterize blood vessels and tissues which then helps to minimize bleeding, swelling and bruising.

The demands for more healthy lifestyles have lead us to scientific and technological developments. Without the need to be fit and to eat well, these technologies may have not been discovered or developed. Devices such as the Bodybugg and BodyTrainer, which count calorie intake, may have been unheard of a few decades ago.

Works Cited

"Bodybugg -." ProductWiki Unbiased Product Reviews. Web. 02 Mar. 2010.

"CJ-688 HealthyJump™ Jump Rope." Tanita: Digital Scales for Body Fat & Weight, Bathroom, Kitchen & Food Scales for Precision Weight Measurement. Web. 02 Mar. 2010.

"Liposuction More about Laser-assisted Liposuction." Cosmetic Surgery and Plastic Surgery Your Guide to Common Cosmetic Surgery Procedures and Plastic Surgey Measures. Web. 02 Mar. 2010.

"Simple Ways to Live a Healthy Lifestyle." Exercise - Get Weight Loss Advice, Cardio and Strength Training Workouts, Information on How to Get Started and More. Web. 02 Mar. 2010.

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Monday, January 25, 2010

Artificial Selection

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Artificial selection is the process of changing the characteristics of animals by artificial means. For example, animal breeders are often able to change the characteristics of domestic animals by selecting for reproduction those individuals with the most desirable qualities such as speed in racehorses, milk production in cows, trail scenting in dogs. Artificial selection can also be unintentional. It is thought that domestication of crops by early humans was largely unintentional.

Charles Darwin first utilized this term in contrast to natural selection. He noted that many domesticated animals and plants had special properties that were developed by intentionally encouraging the breeding potential of individuals who both possessed desirable characteristics, and discouraging the breeding of individuals who had less desirable characteristics.

Natural selection is the process by which heritable traits that make it more likely for an organism to survive and successfully reproduce become more common in a population over successive generations. Artificial selection is the exact same process but with inteference from outside factors, such as human intervention.

Artificial selection results into inbreeding, and inbreeding holds potential problems. The limited gene pool caused by continued inbreeding means that harmful genes become widespread and the breed loses productivity. Any negative physical traits and health disorders get locked in. Inbreeding leads to animals or plants that are so genetically identical that they can be considered clones. This does not ensure variation. Without variation species are more prone to diseases and natural disasters, thus the potential to the endangerment and extinction is very high. If a selective breed was put into a situation, i.e. isolation, the founder effect can occur. Even if the slightest amount of the population contained a ‘bad’ gene or mutation its predecessors are more likely to inherit that gene, and if it is harmful it can lead to endangerment and/or extinction. Inbreeding and artificial selection are forms of genetic engineering. The processes involved the moving of genes that nature had never intended or had an inability to do so, this can lead to unexpected consequences. Genetic engineering can have devistating and irreversible effects. The effects can take years to show up and even if they do, it may be irreversible and nothing can be done about it. Genetic engineering (artificial selection/inbreeding) can have harmful and irreversible effects that can lead to the endangerment and even exticntion of species.

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German shepherd was pure bred for herding sheep and protecting flocks from predators. But modern careless breeding has promoted disease and other defects.

The aftermath of the process can be very harmful to the animals/plants as well. An example of this are the genetically altered chickens. These chickens are bred to grow faster and much bigger than their feral ancestors, also these chickens produce no feathers, this is done to reduce time on processing the chicken to the consumer’s dinner table (feathering), this in turn makes the chickens more prone to viral infections and diseases.

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A featherless chicken.

There is a reason why artificial selection is an acceptable practice, it is that they are promoting the more desirable genes and in turn creating a more healthy population. Artificial selection can remove dangerous and unhealthy genes from the population, granted that the ancestral population did not have any harmful genes. Artificial selection in plants can lead to new plant-types that may posses medical and pharmaceutical advantages. All the desirbale traits of the species are present and that can ensure the reproductivity and well-being of the species. Breeds can be specified to do a job with great efficiency and productivity.

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The bloodhound is a large breed of dog that was bred originally to hunt deer and wild boar, later specifically to track human beings by scent.

Other than the fact that selective breeding has phenotypic and some genetic advantages, the genes of the species that are genetically altered can have dier consequences. It is mother nature’s job to select which traits are suppose to be inherited, not ours. We are playing the role of mother nature when we practice inbreeding and genetic engineering. These processes can have harmful effects and we have no one to blame but ourselves.

Work Cited

"Artificial Selection." Oracle ThinkQuest Library. Web. 25 Jan. 2010. .
"Genetic Engineering Advantages & Disadvantages - Biology Online." Life Science Reference - Biology Online. Web. 25 Jan. 2010. .
"The German Shepherd Dog in Word and Picture -." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Web. 25 Jan. 2010. .
"Individual Breed Results for Purebred Dog Health Survey - The Kennel Club." The home for dog owners and those working with dogs - The Kennel Club. Web. 25 Jan. 2010. .
"PROS AND CONS OF INBREEDING DOGS, Inbreeding Dogs." Dog Breed Info Center. Web. 25 Jan. 2010. .
"Pros and Cons of Mutations." THE MESSYBEAST. Web. 25 Jan. 2010. .

Monday, November 23, 2009

Designer Babies

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According to the Oxford English Dictionary, it is defined as a baby whose genetic makeup has been artificially selected by genetic engineering combined with in vitro fertilization to ensure the presence or absence of particular genes or characteristics. Remember the movie/novel My Sister’s Keeper? One character was conceived through in vitro fertilisation, modified to be a genetic match for her sister in order to save her. And for you anime lovers, Mobile Suit Gundam SEED, set in a universe where ‘naturals’ (normal human beings) rage war against ‘coordinators’ (genetically modified human beings) because of their genetic differences. Remember that? I bet you thought it was fiction too, well it isn’t. The reality is we live in an age where we discover new technoligies to do such things.

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic or fiction.” -Arthur C. Clarke

Comments on designer babies

Advanced reproductive techniques involve using in vitro fertilization to fertilize eggs with sperm in 'test-tubes' outside the mother's body in a laboratory. These techniques allow doctors and parents to reduce the chance that a child will be born with a genetic disorder. The first involves choosing the type of sperm that will fertilize an egg: this is used to determine the sex and the genes of the baby. The second technique screens embryos for a genetic disease: only selected embryos are implanted back into the mother's womb.

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In vitro fertilization

The process of making designer babies can reduce the baby's chances of being born with several serious diseases like Down Syndrome, rare blood disorders, etc. This ensures the continuity of our species and a healthy community. We wouldn’t have to spend so much on medicines and treatments. Taxpayer’s money would be better spent to another area of need rather than free healthcare/healthcare field. Lives can also be saved through cloning, i.e. My Sister’s Keeper.

Process of saving lives through designer babies

Conception of designer babies is a very controversial topic. Therapy is justifiable but enhancement is not. Just like in the show Mobile Suit Gundam SEED, the genetically enhanced will look down on those who were not and God forbid an all out war will break out. In reality, these processes are very expensive, meaning only the wealthy would be protected from inherited diseases and disabilities, and the discrimination against those with disabilities and the non-disabled, the poor and the rich would greatly rise, as if there wasn’t already a big gap in society. Human DNA has never experienced any type of re-structuring, the possibilities of problems would greatly rise. Genetically engineering designer babies would compel us to think of each other as products or devices rather than people. What's the point of living if we're already genetically 'perfect'? Our lives would be dull. There won't be any challenges, no more triumphs, no more struggles, no more high's or low's. Our lives would be like a roller coaster without loops and drops. Just imagine how boring that would be. Life as we know would be challengeless and victory will be tasteless.

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Juss imagine if everybody in the world looked the same.

Abortion and conception of designer babies are similar in a way that there is a debate about the rights of the baby. Pro-lifers believe that the fetus should be free to not be genetically modified. Some tests have been proven to be successful but many have also failed. When the test fails the subject is discarded, which essentially is a human being because it was already concevied. Therefore it is depicting the act of murder or abortion.

As of now, some methods of creating designer babies are considered illegal and condemned. The Declaration of Helsinki states:

It is recognised that when the research participant is incompetent, physically or mentally incapable of giving consent, or is a minor (Articles 23, 24), then allowance should be considered for surrogate consent by an individual acting in the subject's best interest.

The subject, arguablly being a human and fits into the category of being uninformed of the medical procedures and incapable of making his/her own decisions. The American Association for the Advancement of Science concludes that this biotechnology "cannot presently be carried out safely and responsibly on human beings" and that "pressing moral concerns" have been addressed.

Technologies that are developed from genetical engineering include: in vitro fertilization, cures for diseases and cloning of extinct species etc.

Genetic engineering can be seen as an act of playing God. We are taking His role for our own purposes. In a way we are deciding who is more worthy to live and die. Genetic engineering is a very controversial act. It is true when it is said that...

“Humanity is acquiring the right technology for the wrong reasons.” – R. Buckminster Fuller

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Do these look like they need altering? 'If it ain't broken don’t fix it.'

Work Cited

Joanne Lynch. "How safe is in vitro fertilization (IVF)? - by Joanne Lynch - Helium." Helium - Where Knowledge Rules. Web. 23 Nov. 2009.

Mark S. Frankel & Audrey R. Chapman. American Association for the Advancement of Science. Web.

Nicholas Agar. "Designer Babies: Ethical Considerations (ActionBioscience)." ActionBioscience - promoting bioscience literacy. Web. 23 Nov. 2009.

"Office of Human Subjects Research." OHSR. Web. 23 Nov. 2009.

Priya Johnson. "Pros and Cons of Designer Babies." Buzzle Web Portal: Intelligent Life on the Web. Web. 23 Nov. 2009.
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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Humans, Invasive or Stewards?

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In my own personal opinion, humans are both invasive and stewards of this Earth. Political and public reforms have often led change to the way we consume energy and raw materials and how we go about obtaining it, meaning that we are, to an extent, fulfilling our duty as stewards. Though nothing is perfect, we still create much pollution and have driven certain species into the endangerment of extinction. There is much work to do until we can truly call ourselves stewards of the Earth.

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A good example of an invasive and a stewardship action are the construction and usage of hydro dams. The ironic thing about creating a dam is that, yes we are creating clean energy neither harmful fumes nor toxic wastes but we are invading habitats of fish and other aquatic species. Dams slow river currents and may cause damage. Rivers tend to have a constant temperature and dam reservoirs have a type of layered temperature meaning that it does not have a constant temperature, which can cause harm to certain species. Loss riverbanks and river beds are often due to water exiting a dam tube. A large dam can lead to the loss of entire ecosystems.

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Though dams have negatives effects it does however possess good qualities. For example, hydroelectricity is a major source of power, the power that is generated by a dam is clean and environmentally friendly. The energy that is being produced by hydro dams is clearly reducing our reliance on fossil fuel as the primary source of energy.

It will require huge amounts of money, effort, and time to return our planet to its once clean and pollution free self. But with technological innovation and production of clean energy I believe that we can fulfill our duties as stewards of this planet, as God commanded.